Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Falling in Love

Day 2 was again very laidback. We had several guest speakers, one being a London police officer, share advice with us about getting around London and experiencing this culture. The house we are staying at is perfect! I have a room to myself with my own sink. I have a desk and plenty of room for all of my clothes. The only drawback is that my room is up seven flights of stairs! I am in the slave quarters from the 1700's. While I am out of breath every time I walk up the stairs, I know the long trek everyday will be good for me. 

Yesterday we went to the Victoria and Albert Museum, an arts and crafts museum only a few blocks from our house. My favorite part was the fashion section, of course. They had clothing pieces that were hundreds of years old and from all over the world. They also had a collection of clothing that predicted the future of fashion. This was my favorite, now I know what to look for in the next few years. There was also a jewelry wing, with more diamonds in one room than I have ever seen in my life.

Later in the day we went for an evening stroll around Westminster, which is where Big Ben, House of Parliament and Westminster Abbey are located. It was beautiful. I am quickly falling in love with this beautiful and historic city. 


  1. Good morning to my beautiful Carol Anne. I have now tried to post a comment for about 30 minutes!! I have rewritten this and it is not working. I love you lots and I love reading your notes about your day. Enjoy every minute you are there. Love you tons, MOM

  2. CA!! I loved the V and was my favorite out of all the bazillions that we went to! Of course we both liked it bc of the amazing fashion exhibit!

    I am living vicariously through you and ya'll.


  3. I loved the V&A too! And i totally understand the top floor, tiny room thing. Burns calories. That's the only good part. Gosh, I wish I was there with you. Enjoy it for me!
    Love you,
