Saturday, May 30, 2009

Old faces, new places

I missed a day, I am sorry to all of those who are keeping up. I just didn't feel like writing, I just wasn't in the mood. However, don't fret, because I am back. I have learned a few things about this crazy place since I have written last. Language is my topic for today.

Yesterday the group went to the Globe Theatre or Shakespeare's theatre for those who did not have Mr. Rice as their high school English teacher. On the tour there was a sign with a list of 100 sayings invented by Shakespeare, sayings we say all the time. A few examples include: not sleep a wink, for goodness sake and in a pickle. This is just another random fact that once again let me know their is life outside the good ole' south. 

On a funner note, the British (or at least the one's at the pubs) have no restraint when it comes to speaking. I was flabbergasted by some of the words that they say. Of course, they think it is so cute that these American girls are squeamish about their dirty words. Yesterday we were watching a show on the street, where the performer had a microphone and kept repeating the same choice words. Parents and their children just stood and watched without budging. Later, I ran into the performer at a pub. He asked what I thought of the show, and I told him the language made we feel uncomfortable, and he said Americans say that all of the time but it is typical in Britain. Another boy we met tonight laughed when I said I needed to run to the bathroom, he asked if I was going to take a shower. In Britain the bathroom is referred to as the toilet, however, I was taught not to use that word (thank you mom and Momo) These are just a few examples of the differences in the two cultures. 

Last night we met up with a group a Mariann's friends from Alabama and Auburn. When we told onlookers we were from Alabama, everyone sang to us "Sweet home Alabama." I mean EVERYONE (even Germans). I spent the day today with Hunter visiting museums and eating good food, and tonight I was back with my girls. There was an Everton Futbol game today, people all over the city were excited about it. Unfortunately, they lost, but our new friends gave us their scarves in exchange for taking a picture with them. The scarf is royal blue, so maybe I can start a trend at Rupp Arena!

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