Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Life in London

Over the past two weeks, I have shared with you stories, thoughts and opinion about my study abroad experience. However, today I want to expose the little details that make this trip so unique. First, are the songs. As we walk through the streets of London, we are always singing a song, usually to the latest musical we saw. Whenever we hear street musicians, who are everywhere, we add to their performance by dancing along. Second, is chocolate. We find the need to incorporate chocolate into every meal, or make late night Tesco runs for a cookie, candy bar or a jelly doughnut.

We spend Monday through Thursday in class, but I have yet to be in a classroom. Today class consisted a trip to Tate Britain, a tour of the oldest playhouse in England and a play tonight. Yesterday the class ventured to Canterbury Cathedral, where our teacher held class in the train on the way to Canterbury. 

As you know, the weather in London is not quite like the weather in good ole' Kentucky right now. Being a bit chillier and the possibility of rain everyday, we wear a jacket everywhere. However, must remove them as soon as we walk in a building or take a trip on the underground, as the British don't believe in air conditioning. It is a constant struggle between temperatures everyday. Also, we always have a hot beverage in hand, coffee, tea and hot chocolate. Sometimes it gets me through the day of walking, trains and tours.

While we are filled with many things everyday (culture, knowledge, history), sleep is not one of them. However, this is our own fault. For when we spend the night in, we are watching a British movie in the small, but cozy movie room. So far we have seen Notting Hill, The Holiday, Love Actually and Shakespeare in Love to name a few. When we go out to a play or a pub, we always return around ten, then sit and talk in the room for 3 hours. No worries, I can sleep in America!

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